Bussi adapter for programming Bosch radios
Including activation of all BOS device programming.
Allowed in connection with the Bosch software Pro_Main, Pro_Fug or Pro_Com,
the programming of the following radios:
KF88, KF168, KF428, KF458
KFS87, KFS167, KFS457, HFS87, HFS167, HFS457
HFG89, HFG169, HFG429, HFG459
FUG10R, FUG10a, FUG13R, FUG13a, FUG11b, FUG13b
FUG operating elements MBG
Connection and functionality like the no longer available Bosch adapter 86979205093
Cable assignment Bussi <-> radio device are in the service manual and can be found in the download area on Servicetools.org
Build to Order product approx. 1 to 2 weeks delivery time Attention! The BUSSI is delivered without a housing